1951 Wellington to Lyttelton race disaster

The disaster which befell the Wellington to Lyttelton yacht race is well-know, through documentary, novelisation, etc.

The documents below which come from the Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club archive relate to it are of interest.

Letters confirming Nigel Blair and Captain W. J. Keane as assessors in the Marine Department's investigation into the loss of Argo and Husky. Blair was a previous Commodore of the Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club, and had a distinguished Naval command during WWII. Keane was a mariner of long standing, and a previous Commodore of the Evans Bay Yacht & Motor Boat Club.

The shipping and seamen act, 1908. Re yachts Argo and Husky. Report of court holding formal investigation into loss of above yachts.