Tandy collection

The images below are supplied by Brent Tandy, who inherited them from his grandfather James George Tandy.

James was associated with boating from a very early age (that's him in the small dinghy as a boy at Clyde Quay, shortly after its creation in 1904). He joined up shortly after his 22nd birthday in October 1917, He suffered serious wounds to his head and right leg in action in February 1918, and his leg was amputated.

After the war he was a regular participant in the Evans Bay Yacht and Motor Boating Club's "Limbies Picnics". These picnics were arranged from the club's creation in 1919 until after WWII. Boat owners took seriously wounded veterans sailing, had picnics, and arranged athletic competitions.

The men who had lost legs (limbies) competed for a shield annually in a variety of games against men who had lost arms (wingies) for a trophy during the 1920s and 30s.


Attendees of a Limbie's picnic, 1922

James George Tandy, just in front of
Billie Williams, wins a race at a limbies picnic, Jan 1935 at Worser Bay

The reverse of this photograph reads: 33' yacht "Romp - previously named "Mahina"